I am listening to the New International Version of the Bible. I am not very far; in Leviticus to be exact. The Israelites are complaining about not having meat to eat. They wish they were back in Egypt where they had meat. Now, the thing is, I just HEAR MYSELF IN THAT situation. Murmur, murmur, murmur....mumble, complain, murmur some more. And, I don't like knowing that about myself. I'm just so grateful to live in this day and age. I have so much to be grateful for and yet, I still find myself grumbling at times. When will I ever learn?
19 Now Zerahemnah, when he saw that they were all about to be destroyed, cried mightily unto Moroni, promising that he would covenant and also his people with them, if they would spare the remainder of their lives, that they a never would come to war again against them. Once again, this scripture points out the WILL TO LIVE! Zerahemnah makes a promise he is not likely to keep because of his strong desire to LIVE. Life is so precious... I know that I want to live, but I want to LIVE with Heavenly Father in the hereafter. II've made so many stupid decisions in my life that I don't want to blow this one last final decision... TO LIVE WITH GOD! That is my heart's desire, most of all.
The last part of Alma and first of Helaman is all about the many wars fought between the Lamanites and Nephites. Every time I read them, I dread them. So many lives lost, so much destructions, so much hatred. It's difficult to read. It makes me realize how grateful I will be to have PEACE when the Saviour comes. It cannot come soon enough for me.
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