
Showing posts from August, 2023

SO Glad I Did NOT Live in the Time of Moses

 I am listening to the New International Version of the Bible. I am not very far; in Leviticus to be exact.  The Israelites are complaining about not having meat to eat.  They wish they were back in Egypt where they had meat.   Now, the thing is, I just HEAR MYSELF IN THAT situation. Murmur, murmur, murmur....mumble, complain, murmur some more. And, I don't like knowing that about myself. I'm just so grateful to live in this day and age.  I have so much to be grateful for and yet, I still find myself grumbling at times. When will I ever learn?


 I have read the Old testament once in my life.  I recently started listening to the NIV of it.  And, I have come to the conclusion that it is definitely R rated.  Yikes; it's pretty bad.   But, perhaps there will be lessons to be learned...right?!?!?!? Else, why would we be supposed to read it. On another higher note.  I listened to 2 Nephi, chapter 4 on the way to the gym the other day.  My goodness; that was so inspiring.  I was so moved by that great chapter and said to myself, I will listen to that again. Then at the gym, I was listening to Taylor and Tyler ( a youtube video where they explain the week's church lesson) and Tyler said that he has about 4 or five chapters that he reads when he gets particularly discouraged.  And, guess what, 2nd Nephi chapter 4 is one of those chapters that buoy him up.   I felt like that was just a little tender mercy for my day...... I do love the scriptures, except the R-rated ones.  H AHAHAHAH

Insight From the Book of Mormon

 I've listened to the Book of Mormon multiple times.   And, I always gain insight and learn something. So, this morning, driving to the gym,  I listened in 1st Nephi as Lehi discovered an object outside his tent door.  It was the Liahona, which, of course, I knew about.  It directed them in their travels.   But the thing I had forgotten was that it also had actually messages on it.  I hadn't remembered that. Imagine getting written instructions from the Lord.  Wouldn't that be marvelous...oh wait, we have that already with the Book of Mormon, Bible, modern talks of the prophets.  We do live in a miraculous world. I also realized that kids today wouldn't even think anything of a director to guide us as we travel.  They have grown up with GPS systems, but to those of us who didn't grow up with a GPS, it is a modern miracle.   I love the Book of Mormon!