
Showing posts from November, 2022

JONAH and the Whale

Allen doesn't really believe in the story itself.  He thinks it is a story to prove a point.  He asked the other night in our scripture reading time; what can we learn from this? Well, I DO believe it's real.  If God could part the RED SEA, he could have a giant fish-like creature  whale and cause the whale to spit Jonah out on the land.  So, I believe in the story. But it's also important to think about what the story means. To me, it means, we CAN NEVER RUN AWAY FROM GOD........and that's a good thing actually....because the rest of the story tells us that God follows us and allows us MERCY.  He is willing to give us second chances; He is willing to forgive us....HE wants us to follow HIM. And, when we do, we are blessed.  Not that we won't have trials, but that he will always be there in our trials.

Alma 44

  19  Now Zerahemnah, when he saw that they were all about to be destroyed, cried mightily unto Moroni, promising that he would covenant and also his people with them, if they would spare the remainder of their lives, that they  a never  would come to war again against them. Once again, this scripture points out the WILL TO LIVE!  Zerahemnah makes a promise he is not likely to keep because of his strong desire to LIVE.  Life is so precious... I know that I want to live, but I want to LIVE with Heavenly Father in the hereafter.  II've made so many stupid decisions in my life that I don't want to blow this one last final decision... TO LIVE WITH GOD!  That is my heart's desire, most of all.

Learning from the Book of Mormon

 Recently Allen and I watched a movie about a man who was an alcoholic.  He had lost a wife and a son, and had one son living.  During one of his lowest moments, he thought he would be better off he were not living.  But, then he realized HE WANTED TO LIVE!  HE WANTED LIFE! It reminded me of what I had just been reading in Alma 20.  King Limhi's father is angry with Limhi for not going to his big feast, but instead was traveling with a NEPHITE!  The father becomes angry and tries to strike Ammon, but is not able to do so.   " 21Now when the king saw that Ammon could slay him, he began to plead with Ammon that he would spare his life.... " 23Now the king, fearing he should lose his life, said: If thou wilt spare me I will grant unto thee whatsoever thou wilt ask, even to half of the kingdom." The king was willing to give up HALF HIS KINGDOM to a NEPHITE if Ammon would spare his life.  That is so significant and shows how precious LIFE is. I'm so grateful for life