Who Wants to be KING?
So, while listening to the Scriptures this morning on the way to the gym, I was in Ether 6. The brother of Jared and Jared were getting close to death, so the people want to appoint a KING. It seems like an unwise thing to do.
But all the sons of the brother of Jared refuse. They have no desire to be king. But one son of Jared accepts the kingship.
Orihah becomes king, and hew walks humbly before the Lord.
In the next several chapters, however, MANY desire to become king. The chapters are filled with cunning, deceit, murder, kidnapping, imprisonment, captivity and evil designs.
It always makes me wonder, WHY DO PEOPLE WANT A KING SO BADLY?
And, I do know the answer; it's because the people who would be king see it as an opportunity to have others work for them, for the king to lead a richly lifestyle, and be set up in majestic palaces. They want no constraints on their behavior, or their evil desires.
Let's face it, some of those children for Jared and his brother were just wise! If only others could be that wise and unselfish.
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